Programming Parallel Computers

Aalto 2024


Task Rank Time Instr.
× 109
× 109
GHz Threads Lines
of code
Pre0 1 0.000494 0.00201 0.00132 2.67 1.00 39 Jaakko Hintsala
2 0.000498 0.00201 0.00133 2.68 1.00 37 notastudent
3 0.000498 0.00201 0.00133 2.67 0.99 30 TrixterTheTux
10 0.00051 0.00201 0.00135 2.68 1.00 34
CP1 1 6.66 80.4 29.9 4.49 1.00 57
2 6.79 49.5 30.5 4.49 1.00 101 Antti Paraoanu
3 7.00 24.3 31.4 4.49 1.00 58 nasib
10 7.10 56.2 31.8 4.48 1.00 76
CP2a 1 1.27 12.2 5.70 4.49 1.00 106 oysterpus
2 1.40 12.1 6.27 4.49 1.00 157 wilkr
3 1.63 16.2 7.30 4.48 1.00 64 x
10 2.83 40.5 12.7 4.49 1.00 51
CP2b 1 0.291 24.3 23.2 3.99 19.9 64 rkade
2 0.394 56.2 32.6 4.14 19.9 55 Lam
3 0.401 40.4 32.6 4.14 19.5 56 nasib
10 0.425 40.3 34.3 4.11 19.6 51
CP2c 1 1.01 8.39 4.05 3.99 1.00 65 Kauri
2 1.02 7.50 4.08 3.99 1.00 69 nasib
3 1.29 7.36 5.18 4.00 1.00 79 yerzhan
10 2.67 14.3 12.0 4.48 1.00 40
CP3a 1 0.99 76.2 64.5 3.35 19.5 215 dexter3k
2 1.03 83.6 65.4 3.29 19.4 281 🐢
3 1.09 78.8 71.3 3.36 19.4 385 Konsta
10 1.52 84.0 102 3.41 19.6 227
CP3b 1 0.55 43.3 35.6 3.32 19.4 307 🐢
2 0.60 42.7 38.8 3.35 19.4 228 cowperso
3 0.61 40.4 39.7 3.33 19.6 184 dexter3k
10 0.78 53.7 46.6 3.35 17.8 175
CP4 1 0.086 0.76 0.387 4.48 1.00 191 mkez
2 0.095 0.87 0.425 4.47 1.00 118 Mkruth
3 0.095 0.85 0.426 4.47 1.00 91 Tr Ng
10 0.121 1.09 0.54 4.48 1.00 85
CP5 1 0.276 2.22 1.20 4.35 1.00 151 cc
2 0.278 2.29 1.21 4.36 1.00 191 mkez
3 0.285 2.34 1.17 4.10 1.00 169 Anon
10 0.310 2.56 1.29 4.16 1.00 153
CP9a 1 1.28 74.1 84.0 3.37 19.5 297 cowperso
2 1.32 77.6 86.5 3.38 19.3 364 tnappa
3 6.73 480 398 3.76 15.7 326 nuunuu
IS2 1 0.0107 0.068 0.0275 2.57 1.00 131 LPP4
2 0.0115 0.0320 0.0137 1.19 1.00 317 Julius Lindsberg
3 0.0120 0.103 0.0487 4.05 1.00 135 Anon
10 0.0138 0.0485 0.0170 1.23 1.00 172
IS4 1 0.188 15.5 12.5 3.40 19.4 291 cowperso
2 0.195 16.0 13.3 3.39 19.9 369 auni
3 0.216 22.2 14.7 3.40 19.7 335 Konsta
10 1.33 129 100 3.79 19.9 135
IS6a 1 0.202 18.5 12.7 3.16 19.7 336 auni
2 0.209 15.2 13.0 3.16 19.6 304 cowperso
3 0.316 29.1 20.5 3.25 19.9 331 Konsta
10 0.55 50.0 40.9 3.69 19.9 157
IS6b 1 0.160 1.42 0.72 4.48 1.00 250 cowperso
2 0.164 1.69 0.73 4.47 1.00 201 auni
3 0.256 2.36 1.04 4.09 1.00 162 Kagami
10 0.292 2.93 1.31 4.47 1.00 160
IS9a 1 0.465 4.43 17.5 3.61 10.5 390 XxxN00B5L4Y3R666xxX
2 0.73 62.1 55.1 3.76 19.9 380 Konsta
3 0.76 34.6 54.7 3.58 19.9 753 auni
MF1 1 6.77 16.8 30.4 4.48 1.00 38 e
2 6.79 17.3 30.4 4.49 1.00 169 Konsta
3 6.79 17.3 30.4 4.48 1.00 43 nasib
10 6.85 17.8 30.7 4.48 1.00 62
MF2 1 0.473 17.4 39.9 4.24 19.9 39 nasib
2 0.474 18.9 40.2 4.25 19.9 78 auni
3 0.474 17.9 40.0 4.24 19.8 63 hangmoon
10 0.483 20.5 40.9 4.24 19.9 37
MF9a 1 0.86 95.3 64.3 4.20 17.8 151 cowperso
2 0.93 106 74.7 4.20 19.2 178 dexter3k
3 1.12 106 85.8 4.17 18.5 674 XxxN00B5L4Y3R666xxX
SO4 1 0.371 14.8 27.8 4.07 18.4 150 auni
2 0.390 14.8 29.2 4.06 18.4 103 Oudeis
3 0.399 14.0 30.7 4.10 18.8 96 cowperso
10 0.75 18.4 17.2 3.72 6.12 41
SO5 1 0.411 21.4 18.5 3.80 11.8 71 Nowa
2 0.433 22.0 21.0 3.93 12.2 71 auni
3 0.442 22.5 25.4 3.99 14.4 63 TJ
10 0.469 20.5 22.6 3.95 12.2 62
SO6 1 0.57 4.50 2.43 4.30 1.00 223 Kauri
2 0.57 4.73 2.56 4.46 1.00 153 auni
3 0.57 4.55 2.43 4.23 1.00 274 cowperso
10 0.99 6.71 4.32 4.38 1.00 743
LLM9a 1 0.373 25.7 22.1 3.31 17.9 440 cowperso
2 0.89 59.3 55.0 3.41 18.1 156 nasib
3 0.94 28.1 59.8 3.42 18.6 228 mitjarislakki
10 3.75 38.1 279 3.78 19.7 257

✓ = already graded

Contest points

All correct submissions to the following tasks take part in the contest and you can earn extra points! When the course closes, we will compare your solution with the fastest correct solution that we received this year. If your running time is close to the fastest running time, you will get extra points as follows:

Task Running time Current Points
CP3a ≤ 1.20 × fastest = 1.20 × 0.99 s = 1.18 s 1
≤ 1.05 × fastest = 1.05 × 0.99 s = 1.04 s 2
CP3b ≤ 1.20 × fastest = 1.20 × 0.55 s = 0.66 s 1
≤ 1.05 × fastest = 1.05 × 0.55 s = 0.58 s 2
CP5 ≤ 1.20 × fastest = 1.20 × 0.276 s = 0.332 s 1
≤ 1.05 × fastest = 1.05 × 0.276 s = 0.290 s 2
IS4 ≤ 1.20 × fastest = 1.20 × 0.188 s = 0.226 s 1
≤ 1.05 × fastest = 1.05 × 0.188 s = 0.198 s 2
IS6a ≤ 1.20 × fastest = 1.20 × 0.202 s = 0.242 s 1
≤ 1.05 × fastest = 1.05 × 0.202 s = 0.212 s 2
IS6b ≤ 1.20 × fastest = 1.20 × 0.160 s = 0.192 s 1
≤ 1.05 × fastest = 1.05 × 0.160 s = 0.168 s 2
SO4 ≤ 1.20 × fastest = 1.20 × 0.371 s = 0.445 s 1
≤ 1.10 × fastest = 1.10 × 0.371 s = 0.408 s 2
SO5 ≤ 1.20 × fastest = 1.20 × 0.411 s = 0.494 s 1
≤ 1.10 × fastest = 1.10 × 0.411 s = 0.453 s 2
SO6 ≤ 1.20 × fastest = 1.20 × 0.57 s = 0.68 s 1
≤ 1.05 × fastest = 1.05 × 0.57 s = 0.59 s 2
LLM9a ≤ 1.20 × fastest = 1.20 × 0.373 s = 0.448 s 1
≤ 1.05 × fastest = 1.05 × 0.373 s = 0.392 s 2

Here “Current” is our current estimate of the threshold based on the submissions we have got, but please note that it will change over time as we receive and grade new solutions!

Contest rules

You do not need to do anything special to benefit from the contest points; they will be calculated automatically when the course closes.

Late submissions and resubmissions are fine! You can improve your solutions still during the last week of the course, and they are eligible for the extra points from the contest!

Only fully correct solutions count in the contest: you must have a successful submission.